Thursday, September 26, 2013
Introducing. . . .Ashley Carney!
For the last couple years I have been looking for the right person to assist me at big events such as weddings and reunions. I didn't need anyone yet, but I hoped to one day be busy enough that I'd need that person.
This year. . .it happened! I was busy enough that I needed help. . .and people were requesting that second photographer. After a few months of weighing my options, several nights of late talks with my husband, a chat with a close friend, and talking with my parents about it. . .I realized the answer was obvious.
I knew who I'd ask; I knew who I wanted.
In fact, it was someone I had in the back of my mind since I was 17. One of those dreams you have in your head as a kid like, "someday I'll marry a doctor and have 3 kids, and live in a big house. . .". Back in the late 90's Ashley had taken some pictures, and when her mom showed them to me, the dream developed. They were pretty darn good for someone that young. And her eye was very similar to mine. Someday. . .someday we'll work together.
Years passed, I moved away from the Western Slope and continued with my photography. She was still here and continued to work on hers. Both of us grew up, got married, had kids, and moved on in life while still working on our passion separate from the other. The hope that we'd work together never died, but with us living so far apart, it didn't look like it was going to happen.
Then, in 2012, my crazy life moved me to Montrose. Only 25 miles away from the talented Miss Ashley. We started to talk little more often, see each other a little more often. . .and that idea in the back of my mind started pushing it's way out again. I began poking around and asking people we knew if she was still working on photography. . .if they thought she might be interested in doing more. . .
And in January of this year, I dropped by her work and asked if she'd be interested in trying to work with me. She didn't have to say a word. The way her eyes lit up and she smiled, I knew it would be a yes. And in August this year, our work together began.
We have a ton of memories together in the last 24 years. . .i.e. falling off trampolines, sunburns, locking her brother in his room, getting chased by an evil turkey. . .and now we get to experience art, love and life together in every wedding and big event. Here's to a long, successful future in the photography business with my gorgeous, wonderful and talented cousin. . . .
Introducing Ashley Carney!!
Photography by Ashley Carney & Editing by Katie Rice
We make a great team. Don't we? :)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Day 4. . . .
Eeeekk!! I'm yelling at myself. . never good. So I took a deep breath and decided to answer a few emails to give myself time to figure things out. Once finished, I got my camera and took a seat on the floor. Contemplating lenses. . .getting irritated at myself for trying to pick one without a clear project. . .my challenge literally fell into my lap.
My puppy wandered over and gave my a nudge. "Hey Mom! See? I'm cute. . .sooooo. .. can I have food?!"
She's a gorgeous dog. Everywhere we take her we get compliments. Super well behaved (as long as you don't leave her home alone to eat your mattress and carpet out of protest) and loving. .. she's truly my treasure.
I got Lady almost 2 years ago. We went to one of those adoption things at PetsMart, originally to get my husband a companion (teehee. . .love you, babe!), and there she was. The only dog that just laid there. She had that look that she had pretty much given up. Broke my heart. . .had to bring her home and love on her. The woman that helped me with paperwork kept telling me these stories of how this dog had eaten her way out of dog crate. I didn't believe her. This little thing was too calm. . .too innocent.
HAH! Not even 2 weeks later she ate a hole in my brand new mattress, ate the trim off the wall and started on the door. It was then we realized. . .this dog has major separation anxiety. She has to go with us everywhere if we want furniture.
Other than the severe separation anxiety. . .we have THE perfect dog (well. . .I think so . .don't ask my husband what he thinks).
And this is why her name is Lady. . .
But wait. . .day five will be even cuter. I promise. :)
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Day 3. . . . . .
Today, as soon as I got home from work, I jumped onto my computer to see what my challenge was.
I glanced outside.
I walked to the back door and looked outside.
Hmmm. . .what to do. There wasn't really. . .clouds. . .to take pics of. It was completely overcast. A solid gray mass.
I walked back to my computer and stared at my list. It was simple. Write down the list on a piece of paper and start crossing off what I've done. It's obvious not all of these can be done everyday. I jotted down everything in my special little notebook with all my photography passwords and important junk in it, and crossed off the first two. Self portrait and what I wore. I read through the list one more time when one caught my eye. Yup. That's it. PERFECT!
Day Three?
Something green.
Why is this perfect, you ask? Well. . .because my gorgeous 6 year old daughter just brought home her first pottery project. She painted the work of art in her second favorite color. Green. What better green object to photograph! Yay!
I walked over to the coffee table and snagged the tiny bowl. Opened the curtains on the west side of the living room and sat the bowl carefully in front of the window. Perfect, effortless lighting. Now to grab my baby. No. . .not my 6 year old. . .my camera. :)
I grabbed my camera, tossed on my awesome Sigma macro lens and off to the races. I crouched down and stared at the tiny little pattern and details my daughter put into her bowl. Found my favorite spot. . .tilted the bowl. . ..
Clicked away.
I uploaded the pics on the computer. . .looked through each one slowly. . .
The photographer in me saw the reflections that needed to be dulled. .. the angle that didn't quite get what I was going for. . .this one wasn't Katie enough. . . . .this one is photographically correct. . .so is this one. . .LOVE this one. . .
The mom in me was thinking. . ."What a precious memory my lovely baby girl created. My BABY made me pottery! My baby. . ..isn't much of a baby anymore." *sigh* . . . . *heart breaks*. . . . *tears start*
Time. . . .goes too fast.
So with a weird mixture of happiness, excitement, pride and sadness. . .here is my day 3 challenge. . .and my girls first pottery piece:
Monday, December 3, 2012
30 Day Challenge: Day Two
What I wore.
Lame. LAME!! I started this challenge to be. . .uh. . .challenged! First thing I did was open Google and check out what other people have done (as recommended by my friend Cash. . .and thank you, sir). Instant boredom. Nothing jumped out at me. Everything was kinda. .. normal. And of course it was. How else would you take a pic of what you wore? It's. . .well. . .limited. So I paced the living room ranting to my husband how stupid this project was. Then I got onto Facebook and whined to my friend about how stupid the project was.
Then it clicked.
Someone came up with this challenge for a reason. They didn't pick random stuff just to fill in spaces, right? They wanted to challenge the way you thought about everyday things. So I grabbed what I had out to wear that day, a hammer, a few nails and found my way to my backyard. The colors were perfect. And I knew just how to make the picture a reflection of my personality. So I went for it.
I'm a silly, overly obnoxious, loud mouth. So I nailed my clothes to the fence in a way that I would have posed for a picture. I rarely take much seriously. . .so within just a few clicks, I was satisfied.
My clothes were in shock! LOL :) This picture was 100% me. Bright colors and a whole lot of silly. May not have been my ideal challenge, but I came out of it with a smile and satisfaction.
Day three. . .bring it.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
My 30 day challenge begins. . . .
So I've had a rough fall. It's been busy (which I'm super thankful for!) , but holding down three jobs and still trying to find inspiration for anything past. . .well. . .sleep. . .is getting difficult. A dear friend of mine (also a photographer) and I got to chatting a couple months back and decided it was time to fight our way out of these ruts. We wanted a new, fresh perspective. I, desperately wanted to look at this world in a positive light again. Every fiber of my being craves happiness. . .bright colors. . .love. . .creativity. . . . . .(don't we all?). A while back I saw another photographer friend of mine starting a 30 day photography challenge to get back into the game. We decided to steal the idea. . . .eventually. Lol
This last week of November was the last straw. It was time. I'm over this negative, whiny, selfish, and downright rude environment I work in 60 hours a week shaping the way I feel and think. One thing I pride myself on is being a fighter. And that instinct kicked in hard on the 1st. One incredibly rude customer made my brain snap. It was time to get me back. 30 day challenge. . .here we go.
Day One:
Self portrait. Why not start with the one thing 90% of us dread doing??? HA!!
I got home from Bradley's and spent the day dragging my feet. . .napping. . .absorbing my amazing husband's and kids' attention. . .but just before dinner I decided to get it over with. I sat in my room trying to decide what to wear. . .going back and forth between a black and colors. . .a sweater or a dress. . .then finally decided to go with the classic. A little black dress. Can't go wrong with that, right? :) Tossed the dress on my bed (my husband immediately grabbing the lint roller and trying to get the dog hair off of it. He thinks of those things. . .nothing is hotter than a man that takes care of you. I win!). . .and off to the bathroom I went. A short look in the mirror and a classic eye roll. .. I grabbed every piece of makeup I own and my crimper (thank you Revlon for coming up with an easy way to look like you tried). After 40 minutes of irritation, frustration and every other emotion every chick goes through before they have their picture taken. . .I was willing to tolerate what I created.
With my butt planted on my trunk (coolest one ever, FYI). . .I started clicking away. Get up. . .check what I took. . .shake head in disappointment. . .make a few adjustments. . .go again. This went on for about 10 minutes. After check number 4. . .I decided on a head shot. Sat back down and went for one last round. I got this:
But not before the real Katie came out. In case you were ever wondering what a frustrated, tired, "really-don't-wanna-be-in-front-of-the-lens" Katie looks like. . .here it is:
When the faces start. . .it's time to call it a day.
After I tossed these on the computer, had a laugh with my hubby at my inability to take much seriously, picked the winner and was done. Day one, completed. Day two. . I come. . .
Sunday, July 29, 2012
first dance,
Katie Rice,
Monday, May 21, 2012
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