Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 3. . . . . . 

Today, as soon as I got home from work, I jumped onto my computer to see what my challenge was.



I glanced outside. 


I walked to the back door and looked outside. 

Hmmm. . .what to do.  There wasn't really. . .clouds. . .to take pics of.  It was completely overcast.  A solid gray mass. 

I walked back to my computer and stared at my list.  It was simple.  Write down the list on a piece of paper and start crossing off what I've done.  It's obvious not all of these can be done everyday.  I jotted down everything in my special little notebook with all my photography passwords and important junk in it, and crossed off the first two.  Self portrait and what I wore.  I read through the list one more time when one caught my eye.  Yup.  That's it.  PERFECT!

Day Three?

Something green.

Why is this perfect, you ask? Well. . .because my gorgeous 6 year old daughter just brought home her first pottery project.  She painted the work of art in her second favorite color.  Green.  What better green object to photograph! Yay!

I walked over to the coffee table and snagged the tiny bowl.  Opened the curtains on the west side of the living room and sat the bowl carefully in front of the window. Perfect, effortless lighting. Now to grab my baby.  No. . .not my 6 year old. . .my camera.   :)

I grabbed my camera, tossed on my awesome Sigma macro lens and off to the races.  I crouched down and stared at the tiny little pattern and details my daughter put into her bowl.  Found my favorite spot. . .tilted the bowl. . ..

Clicked away. 

I uploaded the pics on the computer. . .looked through each one slowly. . .

The photographer in me saw the reflections that needed to be dulled. .. the angle that didn't quite get what I was going for. . .this one wasn't Katie enough. . . . .this one is photographically correct. . .so is this one. . .LOVE this one. . .

The mom in me was thinking. . ."What a precious memory my lovely baby girl created. My BABY made me pottery! My baby. . ..isn't much of a baby anymore."  *sigh*  . . . . *heart breaks*. . . . *tears start*

Time. . . .goes too fast. 

So with a weird mixture of happiness, excitement, pride and sadness. . .here is my day 3 challenge. . .and my girls first pottery piece:

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