Monday, December 3, 2012

30 Day Challenge: Day Two

Day two I decided to get up and get my new project out of the way long before the Broncos game.  After a cup of coffee in bed, 2 hours of awesome, random conversation with the most amazing man in the world (seriously. . .check out E1even3rty4 on Facebook and be jealous.), I jumped out of bed ready for the day. . .started up my computer and opened the file containing the days challenge. 

What I wore.



Lame.  LAME!! I started this challenge to be. . .uh. . .challenged! First thing I did was open Google and check out what other people have done (as recommended by my friend Cash. . .and thank you, sir).  Instant boredom.  Nothing jumped out at me.  Everything was kinda. .. normal.  And of course it was.  How else would you take a pic of what you wore? It's. . .well. . .limited.   So I paced the living room ranting to my husband how stupid this project was.  Then I got onto Facebook and whined to my friend about how stupid the project was. 

Then it clicked. 

Someone came up with this challenge for a reason.  They didn't pick random stuff just to fill in spaces, right?  They wanted to challenge the way you thought about everyday things.  So I grabbed what I had out to wear that day, a hammer, a few nails and found my way to my backyard.  The colors were perfect.  And I knew just how to make the picture a reflection of my personality.  So I went for it.

 I'm a silly, overly obnoxious, loud mouth. So I nailed my clothes to the fence in a way that I would have posed for a picture.  I rarely take much seriously. . .so within just a few clicks, I was satisfied. 

My clothes were in shock! LOL  :)  This picture was 100% me.  Bright colors and a whole lot of silly.  May not have been my ideal challenge, but I came out of it with a smile and satisfaction.

Day three. . .bring it.

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