Day 4. . . .
Eeeekk!! I'm yelling at myself. . never good. So I took a deep breath and decided to answer a few emails to give myself time to figure things out. Once finished, I got my camera and took a seat on the floor. Contemplating lenses. . .getting irritated at myself for trying to pick one without a clear project. . .my challenge literally fell into my lap.
My puppy wandered over and gave my a nudge. "Hey Mom! See? I'm cute. . .sooooo. .. can I have food?!"
She's a gorgeous dog. Everywhere we take her we get compliments. Super well behaved (as long as you don't leave her home alone to eat your mattress and carpet out of protest) and loving. .. she's truly my treasure.
I got Lady almost 2 years ago. We went to one of those adoption things at PetsMart, originally to get my husband a companion (teehee. . .love you, babe!), and there she was. The only dog that just laid there. She had that look that she had pretty much given up. Broke my heart. . .had to bring her home and love on her. The woman that helped me with paperwork kept telling me these stories of how this dog had eaten her way out of dog crate. I didn't believe her. This little thing was too calm. . .too innocent.
HAH! Not even 2 weeks later she ate a hole in my brand new mattress, ate the trim off the wall and started on the door. It was then we realized. . .this dog has major separation anxiety. She has to go with us everywhere if we want furniture.
Other than the severe separation anxiety. . .we have THE perfect dog (well. . .I think so . .don't ask my husband what he thinks).
And this is why her name is Lady. . .
But wait. . .day five will be even cuter. I promise. :)
very sweet pic of her crossed paws...